How to manifest what you want in life while enjoying the process and having FUN! Because life should be fun, and we could probably all benefit from taking ourselves a lot less seriously.
Read moreBuilding a Spiritual Community
Thank you to everyone that shared your stories and experiences regarding last week’s post: “Spiritual Awakening: Losing Friends, Having No Friends, Or Wondering ‘What's Wrong With Me?’“ I’ve been thinking.. What action can I take today to support those that are looking for “their people”?
Read moreSpiritual Awakening: Losing Friends, Having No Friends, or Wondering "What's Wrong With Me?"
If you feel like you don’t connect with “your people” anymore, or you’ve felt friendless for a long time, please know- I’ve been there too. Many of us have. This is a completely normal part of the process when it comes to spiritual awakening / evolution / growth / whatever you want to call it. AND.. it’s possible to be going through a spiritual awakening without even knowing it!
Read moreTeaching Kids Spirituality and Cultivating Unity Consciousness
I recently started teaching kids spiritual and shamanic things at Unity of Madison Spiritual Center. Wouldn’t it be cool if more spiritual leaders and places began cultivating unity consciousness by embracing a more diverse array of spiritual beliefs?
Read moreThe world is not falling apart- we have the POWER to dream a better world into being!
Shamans say that we are constantly dreaming the world into being, meaning that WE have the POWER to amplify the good stuff and shift consciousness. As we align our thoughts, beliefs, words, intentions, focus and energy with what we want for ourselves and humanity, our actions can't help but follow suit.
Read moreCan I Fall Off My Spiritual Path, Take Steps Back, or Lose Momentum?
Can I fall off my spiritual path? When it comes to personal development and spiritual growth, evolution is anything but linear.
Read moreFinding Common Ground: Healing My Story With Organized Religion
As I solidify plans for these 2 unique Spring Equinox ceremonies, I find myself reflecting on how DEEPLY personal and healing this journey has been for me, and it felt time to share more openly. Years ago I would have never thought I would be co-creating with pastors and reverends to offer shamanic + Christian ceremonies.. Yet here we are!
Read moreSyncing Your Life With Winter's Wisdom
When we sync with Winter’s Wisdom, we are reminded how to find balance, how to let go of what no longer serves us, to rest more, to go deep within ourselves, and to move slower. When we tune into her language, Winter shows us how to align more deeply with our true nature.
Read more5 Fun Ways To Bring Ancestors Into The Holidays
Soul Nourishing Rituals For Winter + Connecting Deeper With Any Holiday
Does winter ever make you feel “BLAH”? Have you ever felt disconnected from the holidays, or felt conflicted because your personal beliefs don’t align with certain holidays? Do certain holiday narratives feel incongruent with your truth or values? Image courtesy of @joshuafuller
Read more11 Tips To Upgrade Your Reality
I love this shamanic saying, “We can dream the world into being”. This simple phrase can serve as a powerful guiding light as we align our thoughts, actions, and the information we consume with our dreams... Dreams for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and the world.
Read moreWas Carl Jung's "The Red Book" a Reflection of a Shamanic Experience?
Was Carl Jung’s work influenced by shamanic experiences? Is “The Red Book” Jung’s compilation of shamanic dreams and experiences? I personally think absolutely YES, but what do you think?
Read moreHow Can I Access Shamanic Practices & Healing Without Culturally Appropriating?
How can you engage in shamanic work while NOT culturally appropriating? What types of shamanic practices can you ethically immerse yourself in?
Read moreWhat is Your Story of Transformation; Your "WHY"?
Stories are medicine. They are how our ancestors passed down critical information and wisdom for millennia. The stories we tell ourselves and those around us are equally important, because they shape our experiences, thoughts, beliefs and feelings about ourselves and the world around us. They can hold us back, or propel us into our greatness.
Read moreWinter: Honor The Rhythm of Nature, Honor Yourself
With the holidays behind us, we enter a period of deep Winter. While this time can look and feel stagnant, it’s anything but. Deep within, we are changing. Just as the forest drops its leaves, we shed what we do not need- our old beliefs, patterns, habits, thoughts. As you reflect on what has been, as well as your hopes and dreams for the future, what do you wish to cultivate? What do you want to let go of?
Creating Unity To Make The World A Better Place
I am so grateful to have had the honor of sharing shamanism and a couple of shamanic practices at the McFarland United Church of Christ. You each warm my heart, give me hope, and truly lead by example. Thank you for “walking the talk”. Thank you for striving to love, honor, see, hear and understand every member of this family we call the human race. THIS is unity.
Read moreEnergy Protection Exercise (perfect for empaths, mental health & healthcare professionals, and, well, everyone!)
This is a great practice to modify and take on the go with you. Use it throughout your day- whenever you’re not feeling your best, and you need a little boost. The best part is that it takes less time than brushing your teeth.
Read moreSanta Shaman, Sacred Mushrooms, Winter Solstice & The Christmas Connection
Was Santa a shaman? How did Christmas trees & hanging stockings on fireplaces become a “thing”? Why does Santa enter through chimneys? How did Santa & his community celebrate the solstice? Join me as I share this delightful book, along with a few tips for integrating the solstice practices highlighted.
Read more6 Simple New Moon Rituals For Busy People
If you want to harness the power of the moon while planting seeds of intention for what you desire in life, these 6 simply new moon rituals are perfect for you.
Read more5 Tips For Making The Most of Your New and Full Moon Rituals
When working with intention, the moon and fire are our powerful allies in transformation & manifestation. Here are my top 5 simple, quick and powerful tips for getting the most out of your new and full moon rituals and fire ceremonies.
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