6 Simple New Moon Rituals For Busy People

The new moon is a time to become quiet, still, and to reflect upon that which you desire. It is the most potent time in the moon’s cycle to plant seeds of intention. The dark sky of the new moon lends itself well to going within, and resting; just as our ancestors once did on these powerful nights of the new moon.

Focus on quality, not quantity

As with any ceremony or ritual, the magic happens when you are 100% focused, with 100% intention. It’s always about the quality of time you spend, not the quantity of time. So if you want to work with the potent energies of the moon, but you’re pressed for time, please know that 5 minutes of pure focus and intention is powerful!

Make it yours

Ritual, to me, is something that I do with full focus and the specific intention of connecting with myself, my higher self, the Universe, Oneness God, etc. There are plenty of books, blogs and videos laying out specific rituals- you can follow something like that, or you can create your own. Whatever you do, it’s important that it feel authentic to you. Don’t follow a ritual or ceremony simply because it was powerful for someone else, or because it’s been practiced for ions. Your rituals and ceremonies must truly resonate with you to work.

Mark the beginning and the end of your new moon ritual

What makes a ritual a ritual is the symbolic act marking the beginning and the end of this sacred time. For most people, lighting a candle marks the beginning of a ritual. It can also be lighting incense, saying a prayer, invocation, words of gratitude, playing music, ringing a bell, etc. Do what feels right to you. To end your ritual, express your gratitude by saying a few words of thanks to the elements, angels, helping spirits, the Universe, your higher self, God, or whatever feels right to you. After expressing your gratitude, blow out your candle if you’ve lit one. You may also want to extinguish your incense, ring a bell, shake a rattle, etc.

Ideas For Your New Moon Ritual

Here are a few things that you can incorporate into your rituals or ceremonies to harness the power of the new moon.

  1. Pray

  2. Rest

  3. Meditate

  4. Spend quality time alone.

  5. Set intentions by asking yourself: what do you want to bring into your life? What do you want your life to look like? What do you most wish to cultivate during this next moon cycle? What are your hopes, dreams, intentions and goals? Visualize your answers, and if you can, write them down in a journal (preferably one that’s dedicated to your moon practice), or on a piece of paper to keep in a special place, bury or burn during through ritual.

  6. Take stock of your previous intentions. Which intentions do you still wish to manifest? Treat yourself as you would your best friend- be kind, loving, and be supportive during this process. Know that some intentions take more time to manifest than others. Our fluidity is something to be celebrated too- it’s quite possible that an older intention no longer feels as important to you, or perhaps the emotions or feelings behind the “why” of that intention need further clarification before you can fully manifest it. Sometimes the block between us and our dream is lack of clarity regarding why the goal/intention/dream/hope is important.

For more moon ritual tips, read “5 Tips For Making The Most of Your New and Full Moon Rituals”.