Teaching Kids Spirituality and Cultivating Unity Consciousness

2 months into my new, super part time gig as the Unity of Madison Youth Ed teacher, I'm starting to get the hang of it and wanted to announce it more publicly.

If it feels right to share this, I would greatly appreciate it so more like-minded families can find us!

I would also love for non-locals to share, because your "share" may open other spiritual leaders and places up to what is possible when we embrace a more diverse array of spiritual beliefs.

BEcause When that happens, we all benefit:

1) We start to see similarities where we once saw differences. This helps us to cultivate peace, love and hope….

2) Which helps us anchor unity consciousness on deeper conscious and subconscious levels. This can’t help but create more love, acceptance, compassion, peace, and hope within us. AND, of course, when we feel MORE of all that goodness inside, we can’t help but SPREAD IT in our external world.

3) Those that come together in a supportive community regularly are more apt to feel seen, heard, appreciated, supported, and remember that they are never truly alone. Considering that ~ 60% of people in the U.S. report feeling lonely on a regular basis, creating inclusive spaces that TRULY welcome all is good karma!


While I was not looking for a job (my full time practice as a shamanic healer, teacher and ceremonialist keeps me hoppin'), when I heard about the Youth Ed position, I knew I had to put my name in the hat. 

I’m still really new to Unity, and I've only attended a handful of services, but upon reading "The Five Principles" by Ellen Debenport I realized that Unity's principles were simply another way of saying things that shamans have known to be true for tens of thousands of years, so this position felt in alignment.


We begin each morning by connecting in sacred circle.

One day, 7 year old M. shared a prayer in which she welcomed in the elements, and 6 year old S. taught us how to meditate, including the proper posture, and a mudra.

We’ve been focusing on love and imagination (2 of Unity’s “12 powers”). Love has included self esteem, self love, expressing love to others and expressing love to Mother Earth.

We’ve talked about that universal Love energy that goes by 1000’s of names. One little dude had some deep insight on this a few weeks ago- more in the shared post below.

We’ve experimented with sound, vibration and energy (thanks Paul Donahue of Being With Frequency for sharing your singing bowls with us!)

The kids got to experiment with how different bowls and different ways of playing them made them feel differently energetically. 5 year old L. & 7 year old M. shared that some sounds made them feel peaceful while others made them feel sleepy, excited, happy and energized.

We dance both for play and to tap into our energy- we ask questions like: how do we feel emotionally and energetically when we move our bodies in joyful ways?

We’ve been using our imaginations to find ways to upcycle single use items like plastic bottles and jugs.

We talked about different ways to use kitchen scraps, and we’re currently in the midst of an experiment with celery and green onions.

I've been leading short meditations with my drum where the kids sometimes join with shakers, filling their hearts, then bodies with light, and even extending that light beyond our physical bodies to fill our energetic fields with light.

One day while drumming, we listened to rocks and feathers for messages. 6 year old S. was a natural at this!

We've shared what traits we love about ourselves, and made art to put in our bedrooms to remind us of how incredible and special we are. 2 year old A. shared that he is a good friend and includes everyone on the playground (Aren’t these kids AMAZING?!)

Of course WE PLAY! 5 year old R. is always a playful beam of light, and with a sincere “please”, she’ll help me get the group back on track when things get a little TOO silly.

Last week we led our first intergenerational, ceremonial service together to honor the Spring Equinox- details HERE (we’ll likely do it again!). The kids were incredible helpers in creating sacred space, and their energy seemed to bring a lot of happiness to those present

Soooo.. Yeah! It’s been such a joyful journey for all of us.

I am incredibly honored to play a tiny role in the lives of these beautiful little souls, and am so grateful to Unity of Madison and the Unity families for trusting me with this important job of making spirituality come alive in the hearts and minds of our youth.