I’m sharing the details of a recent shamanic journey because I realize that, at the root of it, this is about navigating a situation in which I have little to no control, yet it's been stealing a lot of my energy, time and brain space. The experience speaks to struggles we all face at times, regarding questions like:
1) How can I let go of this issue that I have no control over?
2) How do I find peace with having been "wronged"?
3) What can I do about this situation that I've been working hard in the 3D to resolve, but nothing is happening?
The Energy of Your Home as Sacred Sanctuary
I want to do more ritual work for my home this year. I want to intentionally nurture and give love to this space that has held me over the past 15 years of my life. I want to connect with the energy, spirit, and intelligence of this place.
Read moreIn Community, We Have the Power to Create and expand a Beautiful Web of Energy
Recently, at the Guided Shamanic Journeying and Potluck Social, I got to meet a couple people in person who I’d only known on social media. It was such a joy to finally connect in person, and honestly, a little funny to think about how we can form these connections before ever meeting face-to-face.
Read moreStoking the Fire of Your Full Moon and New Moon Intentions Throughout the Month
As we enter the new year, it’s a good time to ponder- how will you continue to stoke the fire of your resolutions, dreams and visions through ritual and ceremony? If you work with Nature’s sacred rhythms (seasons, Moon cycle, etc) how will you feed, nurture and grow the energy of the life you are calling in for yourself?
Read moreMy Experience in Sacred Toad Medicine Ceremony AKA Bufo Medicine
While I tend to prefer working with the "built-in features" that we all have as humans to access unordinary states of consciousness through shamanic drumming, connecting with the elements, art, movement, etc, I believe in the power of psychedelic and sacred medicines to heal and transform us as well, and I think they're wonderful to work with occasionally. Here’s my personal story with Toad medicine, AKA Bufo.
Read moreCommunity Corner: Offerings From Healers and Spaceholders I Appreciate
We are blessed to be in community with so many integrious healers and spaceholders. Below are a handful of things happening offered by just a few of these lovely souls.
Read moreHonoring the Sacred Masculine
This morning’s spiritual practice had me reflecting on all of the amazing men I have in my life. I’ve never had much in terms of male support in my life, and more often then not, the support has felt conditional, transactional, or extractive.. But that’s changing. The story is changing. Healing is happening.
Read moreHow Can I Access Indigenous Goods, Ceremonies and Circles With Respect and Integrity?
Whether you want to purchase goods that have a Native American or Indigenous flair, attend a pow wow, ceremony, work with plant medicine, or learn from a culture that is not your own, there are some things you should consider before diving in.
Read moreA 60 Second Practice to Re-center and Ground in Your Power
Anytime you notice heavy, old, disempowered beliefs, thoughts, habits, etc. popping into your awareness, watch this video or walk yourself through your own visualization with this simple yet powerful practice to re-center and ground into your power.
Read moreSpiritual Affirmation For Times of Transition, Transformation and Metamorphosis
This affirmation is for you if you feel you’re in the throes of a soul evolution, spiritual alchemy, a Phoenix experience, an awakening, a hero’s journey, or a dark night of the soul. Whatever your journey is, I think we can all agree that this stuff ain’t for the faint of heart. Just remember, you are not alone in this, okay?
Read moreA Prayerful Mantra to Welcome Transformation and Support
Repeating a mantra or prayer like this daily will change your life. It will align you with you Highest Purpose. This process of alignment is joyful and expansive. It will crack you open in ways you could have never dreamed of.
Read more60 Second Videos For Full Moon Rituals (+Aftercare) & Spiritual Encouragement Videos
Here’s my playlist of 60 second videos for creating powerful full moon rituals PLUS aftercare tips that can be used after a ritual or ceremony. (While I reference full moon rituals & ceremonies, the tips can be applied to any ritual or ceremony.)
Read moreWinter: a Time for Spiritual Transformation, Rebirth, Transition & Metamorphosis
Winter has a way of tucking us under her wing of transformation, sometimes without us even knowing it. Sometimes we may feel as if we have a foot in two worlds- a foot in life as we've known it, and a foot in what could be if we took a leap of faith. It's a stew of excitement, exhilaration, and "OH MY GOSH WHAT AM I DOING?!"
Read moreUpcoming Events + Some Shamanic Resources For You
In the spirit of the season, I wanted to give you the gift of my personally curated resources for you to deepen your shamanic knowledge and practices. Follow the link under "More Resources and Offerings" and I'd love to hear what on that list inspires you, and/or if you have any favorites I haven’t mentioned that you’d like to share!
Read moreShedding Our Past, and Integrating the Profound Shifts That Occur Through Shamanic Healing
What does it mean to shed the past the way a serpent sheds her skin? And how do we integrate the profound shifts that occur on the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical levels when we take part in shamanic healing work, ceremonies and rituals?
Read moreResources to Assist You as You Upgrade Your Energy
If you want to make big leaps in terms of improving your life, you’ve gotta commit to yourself, and do your healing work consistently. That said, it can be extremely helpful to have some go-to’s in your back pocket- some inspiring, uplifting healers to listen to, watch or read. Here are specific episodes I love, as well as the healers and teachers I turn to when I want to take in media.
Read more4 Free Summer Solstice Events and My Summer Solstice Playlist
I'm excited to co-create 2 in-person Summer Solstice ceremonies for you, AND, if you can't make it, no worries, because there are a couple of virtual ceremonies that I know will be lovely as well!
Read moreHealing My Relationship With Religion (Plus a 7 Part Video Series)
I recently shared a little about about the personal journey I’ve been on to heal from painful experiences surrounding religion. That seemed to really resonate with people, so Bryan and I created this 7 part video series to hopefully open the door so that others can do the same.
Read moreLocal Opportunities to Support Ho-Chunk & Indigenous People
I just added this new resource section for ways to support Indigenous and Ho-Chunk peoples locally. This list will continue to grow, but I wanted to make this blog post to boost the signal for a couple cool things that are right around the corner.
Read moreEasy Full Moon Ritual For Release: Upgrade Your Energy
We are in the energy of the full moon! This a good time to check in and ask yourself- how is your self talk? Are you supporting yourself with loving and kind words, or do you criticize, judge, or talk down to yourself? Here’s an easy full moon ritual to release what you’re ready to shed and upgrade your energy.
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