Are you longing to connect more deeply with nature & the elements for healing, clarity, guidance, & personal development?

Sacred Rhythms Shamanic Immersion


Are you longing to connect more deeply with nature & the elements for healing, clarity, guidance, & personal development?

Sacred Rhythms flows with the seasons, reflecting Nature’s cycle. Our focus will continue to evolve with seasonal energies.

Our next session will begin In Later Summer Or Fall of 2024.


Through This Intensive, You Will..

  • Develop consistency and inspired action in your spiritual work so that you can transform your life from the inside out. 

  • Deepen your relationship with Nature so that you can receive guidance, support and healing from her.

  • Hear, trust and follow your intuition, Spirit, guides and ancestors with greater clarity and confidence.

  • Expand your community of like-minded souls walking their spiritual path.


HONOR & RECALIBRATE. Honor & celebrate where you are, and where you’ve been. Align with the dreams you hold for yourself, your life, your family, community and the planet. Connect with your highest potential.

CLAIM YOUR PLACE IN THE WEB OF LIFE WITH REVERENCE AND INTENTION. This is about embodied visceral wisdom. “We are one”, “All life is connected”, “Humans and animals are our brothers and sisters”.. To know this intellectually is nice, but superficial. To code it deep into your cells will transform you.

HEAL & TRANSFORM. Strip away the stagnant energy, patterns & roadblocks that have been holding you back. Begin to break the generational and ancestral chains that have kept you & your family locked into disempowered cycles & hardships. Reclaim your power, voice & essence.

ANCHOR, INTEGRATE & CELEBRATE. Learn how to anchor the possibilities & opportunities that you’ve been calling in, into your 3D reality. Celebrate & honor yourself for all the work you’ve done, and for who you are today.


You can begin at any time, but you must complete the immersion within 7 months of your intake session. This is what will help you gain and keep your momentum. More calls can be added- see “Tuition”.

  • One 90 minute one-on-one intake session for you to share what’s going on in life. What do you hope to heal, or change through your sacred work? What thoughts, habits, emotions, beliefs, patterns or cycles are calling to be transformed?

  • Five one-on-one, 45 minute integration calls. This is your time to share, ask questions, and receive support and guidance regarding your sacred work- be it a journey, ceremony, ritual, or life in general.

  • Five ceremonies, and afterwards you’ll have the chance to connect with others, as well as share, reflect, and receive support regarding your sacred work. 

  • Monthly Zoom circles to connect as a group to process, share, connect, and ask questions.


Please email me here to be notified once I post the dates for Winter of 2023/2024.

You may also enjoy joining for our free, public Equinox and Solstice fire ceremonies to celebrate crossing the threshold into each season as well! (No registration required).


My intention is to provide a container that allows us to heal in community while making new connections. For that reason, all ceremonies will be capped at 8 participants.


“There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” - Ranulph Fiennes

You must be ready to embrace Mother Nature and the elements in less than ideal weather for our circles, as we will be heading outdoors for ceremony unless the weather is truly extreme.  You’ll definitely need boots that can get muddy and wet up to the ankles, and you may need a rain jacket and rain pants- it will just depend on the weather.


It’s really important that you do your own work between sacred circles and calls. A regular practice for connecting with yourself and Spirit through journaling, journeying and/or meditating are going to lay a solid foundation for you to claim all of the gifts this intensive has to offer. This may be a matter of getting more consistent with your current spiritual practices, or bumping it up a notch. I can help you find soul nourishing practices, as well as a rhythm during your intake session, but you must be willing to do the work.


This offering is near and dear to my heart. It’s something I’ve been working on for years. The ceremonies that I’ll be sharing with you are the ones that have transformed my own life. They’ve ushered me through tough times and challenging seasons, both internal and external.


I know sliding scales can be mystifying, so I hope this guide is helpful!

Please be mindful that by opting into a lower tier when you can truthfully afford a higher tier, you are limiting access to those who truly need the gift of financial flexibility. Your honesty about your financial situation helps me to grow a sustainable, accessible community. 

Tuition listed is the pay in full amount. Payment plans will include a 5% administrative cost, and will be broken up equally into 3 payments: one at registration, one 3 weeks later, and final payment 3 weeks after that. 

Supporter Level $1,200

If you navigate the world with financial ease, and have the ability to fulfill many of your wants and needs (i.e you can afford to dine out when you like, you can easily meet your needs through your work or can comfortably not work, you own property, have access to family wealth, etc.) please consider paying at this level. This helps create the long term sustainability of group offerings while keeping them accessible to those with fewer financial resources. More integration calls can be added on a prorated basis of $150 per hour, with timing between 15-90 minutes.

Sustainer Level, $830 (or three payments @ $291)

If you’re generally able to meet your needs with ease while budgeting for entertainment and educational experiences (i.e you’re able to afford non-essential experiences/classes, eat out occasionally, etc) please consider paying at this level, which helps sustain group offerings at a modest level. More integration calls can be added on a prorated basis of $100 per hour, with timing between 15-90 minutes.

Supported Level, $640 (or three payments at $224)

If you struggle to cover your basic needs and have limited access to resources, or if you would not be able to access this offering without a discounted option, please consider paying at this level. Your presence and contributions are deeply valued and I do not want any economic circumstances to be a barrier to your joining us! More integration calls can be added on a prorated basis of $85 per hour, with timing between 15-90 minutes.


Hi, I’m Jessica, a Shamanic Practitioner with 12 years of transformational work experience & hundreds of hours of shamanic training through the lenses of Core Shamanism and Andean Shamanism.

Navigating the spirit world is something I was literally born into, as my maternal bloodline is filled with naturally gifted seers, mediums & intuitives. Needless to say, we are a delightfully eccentric bunch!

My mission throughout this offering is to steward deep transformative healing for you while teaching you how to activate your personal power, vitality & Divine guidance through ceremony. 

This experience is designed to deeply connect you with Nature, the elements, and your spirit guides.

It will empower & inspire you to develop reciprocal, meaningful, lifelong relationships with these potent spirit allies. By the end of this immersion, you will know & experience, IN YOUR BONES, that no matter what life throws at you, you never have to walk through the fire alone.


All are welcome. Shamanism is a general practice that houses countless ancestral lineages, and has been practiced in cultures around the world (likely, every culture!)

Shamanism helped our ancestors survive harsh conditions in primitive times. Our ancestors did not survive due to luck- they were accessing wisdom beyond what the 5 senses could perceive. Indigenous shamans were (and in many communities still are) the doctors, pharmacists, therapists, psychiatrists, healers, storytellers and wisdom keepers of their communities. 

Shamanism has survived in cultures across the world for 50,000+ years because it is a dynamic lifeforce energy. Shamanism meets us where WE are at RIGHT NOW- in our cultures, our lives, and our personal processes of evolution.

By its very nature, it can never be a static spirituality that one day no longer fits us due to shifts in consciousness or culture. It is a spiritual way of being, perceiving, and moving in the world. 

Shamanism is not a religion, but the two are not mutually exclusive. Many practice shamanism on its own, but it’s not uncommon for religious people to weave shamanism into their lives. 

Read more here.