5 Tips For Making The Most of Your New and Full Moon Rituals

Every other week, I bring something to the fire to let go of in either a new moon or a full moon fire ceremony. Be it a habit, pattern, or a thought, it’s usually kind of big. This typically means that I’m working on the same “issue” for at least a month (often, it’s a few months). I often couple my “letting go” with “calling in”, or manifesting, new energy to replace the old.

Over the past couple of years that I’ve been doing new moon & full moon ceremonies, I’ve learned some ways to get more “milage” from the time and intention that I devote to this practice. As a wife, mother, business owner, “ideas person” and somewhat of a social butterfly, my life- probably much like yours- is often bursting at the seams with things I want to (or need to) do.

Without further ado, here are five quick and simple things that I do to get the most out of my intentions, ceremonies and rituals.

5 tips for getting the most out of your moon rituals & fire ceremonies

1. Keep a separate journal OR a separate section in your journal for your moon rituals & ceremonies. This should be a paper journal. I prefer digital journals for nearly every other form of journaling, but you don’t want to hop on a device right after performing a ritual or ceremony- it will pull you out of that space of intention & creation.

2. Keep reminders regarding what you’ve brought to the fire. Since it’s easy to get busy and forget all about your intentions and the work you’ve done through your moon rituals and fire ceremonies, little reminders help you keep your momentum going

Reminders can be Post Its with words or phrases, images you’ve printed from the web, a special stone or candle, etc. When I host new moon and full moon fire ceremonies, I encourage participants to bring an item that symbolizes their intention to place on an altar that I set up for our ceremony. These items can serve as powerful reminders in everyday life.

3. Support your intentions with action. While ceremonies and rituals are powerful tools to set transformation in motion, you also need to take responsibility for your actions in the world. If your intention was to move your body more, you’ll find a natural boost in your abilities to make that happen- that’s the magic of the ceremony. You still have free will though, and your actions must align with your intention.

4. When the Universe speaks, listen. There are no coincidences, and the Universe is constantly guiding us with omens, signs, symbols, synchronicities and intuitive wisdom. It’s up to you to listen and “follow the breadcrumbs”. As you begin to live in a way that is attuned to the signs of the Universe, your path will begin to unfold in meaningful ways. As Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

5. Express gratitude. As you receive sacred messages, express your gratitude silently or aloud. You can also create a personal ceremony or ritual to honor your helping/guardian spirits, angels, ancestors, gifts, energies, signs, symbols & synchronicities that you encounter.