a quick primer on the shamanic methods i use
I’ll weave one or more of the following methods into your session. If you’re interested in incorporating a particular method, let me know when you book your session. Unless you know for certain that you want a specific type of service, I will follow the energy that presents itself once you’ve shared your intention with me. You’ll receive plenty of guidance about forming your intention once you book your session.
While I don’t offer full Reiki sessions, I do integrate Reiki into many of my sessions as well. If you are seeking full Reiki only sessions, I would be happy to give you a recommendation.
Soul Retrieval
Pave the way to create the life you want. Shed old patterns & limiting beliefs, heal emotional wounds & trauma.
Some people know when & why they’ve experienced soul loss. Many simply feel the effects. Whether or not you know you suffer from soul loss, soul retrieval is an effective method to elevate your life.
“Soul loss” is a shamanic term referring to the energy or essence you lose during a time of challenge, pain or trauma.
Some events that can trigger soul loss include: abuse, bullying, an accident, death of a loved one, surgery, divorce, wartime stress, illness, being in a natural disaster, addiction, criticism, etc.
Signs of soul loss can include:
A sense of lack or scarcity
You repeat unhealthy patterns
You struggle to connect with others
Lack of self confidence or self worth
Feeling “empty” inside, or incomplete
Difficulty expressing yourself in healthy ways
Chronic anger, depression, anxiety, fear, listlessness, etc
Shamanic Soul Retrieval Can:
Restore your energy
Release old patterns
Help you to fully step into your power
Clear the “roadblocks” that hold you back
Empower you with life-changing practices
Improve the quality of your relationships & interactions
Clarify which steps to take to create the life you want
Increase your emotional “set point” to experience peace, happiness & contentment more consistently
Spirit Animal Retrieval
Restore your power & vitality. Spirit animals provide inspiration, protection, guidance, support & wisdom. They connect you with, and help clarify, your unique gifts; your purpose. This gentle, yet empowering process is great for adults & children.
Most shamanic cultures believe that we each have multiple spirit animals. Some are meant to be with us throughout our life, others for short periods of time.
While challenging life experiences can diminish our power, it can always be reinstated with the focus, intention, & integration that a shamanic spirit animal retrieval offers.
symptoms of power loss:
Being bullied
Chronic illness
Lack of purpose
Frequent accidents
A sense of not belonging
Low motivation or energy
A string of “bad luck”/misfortune
A Spirit Animal Can:
Instill confidence
Help you step into your power
Inspire you to advocate for yourself
Enhance motivation & energy levels
Empower you with life-changing practices
Improve the way you communicate & interact
Guide you through challenging situations with courage & ease
Shamanic Extraction
A shamanic extraction provides an energetic cleansing while upgrading your vibrational frequency. This process extracts what shamans call “spiritual intrusions”- the heavy or toxic energy you’ve taken on from others, from yourself, or from physical injuries.
Negative thought forms such as jealousy, envy or anger directed at you by another person can manifest in your energetic field as a spiritual intrusion. Intrusions can be self-created through years of poor self image, negative self talk or self abuse. Toxic environments & relationships can leave you susceptible to spiritual intrusions.
Symptoms of intrusions:
Feeling as if someone has fixated on you
Feeling an energetic stuckness in your body
Feeling as if you’ve been energetically “targeted”
Illness, or localized pain that cannot be explained or diagnosed
Feeling like you’ve taken on a sticky, heavy or negative energy from a situation or person
A body part (or pair of body parts- i.e. feet, arms, etc) that are inexplicably accident prone
Shamanic Extraction Can:
Be re-energizing
Restore mental clarity
Sever cords of attachment
Strengthen your immune system
Release negative or limiting beliefs
Upgrade your vibrational frequency
Instill a sense of balance & centeredness
Cleanse & strengthen your energetic field
spirit removal
& compassionate depossession
You caught me in the midst of a website update! This section should be complete soon, but meanwhile, please get in touch if you have questions or wish to book a free consult call.
destiny retrieval
You caught me in the midst of a website update! This section should be complete soon, but meanwhile, please get in touch if you have questions or wish to book a free consult call.