11 Tips To Upgrade Your Reality

This is something that’s been on my mind lately. I hope it serves you in some way :)


This simple phrase can serve as a powerful guiding light as we align our thoughts, actions, and the information we consume with our dreams... Dreams for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and the world.

My dream is that we all receive joy, kindness, love, respect, wellness, & peace. I am also a big proponent of unity- I believe that setting aside our differences and working together to co-create our shared dreams will serve all beings best. Additionally, I wish for everyone to feel seen, heard, and understood.

I believe that these are the things that will set the ball in motion for planetary healing.

To align myself with this dream, I’ve written these things on index cards that I keep at my altar. Then I read, feel & visualize them every day as part of my meditation practice.

When working intentionally in this way, our communications & actions naturally align with these values. We begin to create better experiences for ourselves, AND for those around us. 

Feeling stuck or blocked regarding your dreams? Think you may have some healing to do in order to align more fully with the reality you desire? Book a free 20 minute phone consult call with me here.

In order to receive & spread these wonderful intentions though, we must consciously extend them, even when it's really hard to do!

Here's an example in which it gets really hard! I feel critical of you because you hold an opposing viewpoint on something I'm passionate about. Rather than approaching our conversation with curious inquiry, I try to convince you that I'm right, siting ALL of the information that I believe beyond a doubt to be true. I may come off as dismissive, rude, or worse!

In this instance, I’m not being respectful, kind or loving because I'm not truly asking what you think from a place of honest curiosity. I’m not really trying to see, hear, or understand you. I’m actually creating the opposite effect for both of us. I'm coming to debate, not understand.

This inevitably ripples out, because now we both feel bad, and we bring those feelings with us as we go on with our days. Additionally, I’m totally missing the fact that your views are shaped by how you’ve consciously AND unconsciously internalized your unique lived experiences. 

Another common example is around the expectations we place on ourselves or others. If I am a workplace manager, for example, and I underpay you or expect you to work more than is good for your mental or physical wellbeing, I am not extending peace, wellness, respect, kindness or love to you. Instead, I’m likely cultivating stress, anxiety, depression and ill health for us both, and anyone touched by the situation I have created.

Unfortunately I don’t think we need to stretch our imaginations to see how these situations can play out in the world right now. BUT, we can change this!  For example, by holding a dream for love, kindness & respect for all, we naturally begin to align our words and actions with those dreams. And that, too, has a ripple effect.

If these examples hit close to home, give yourself grace! I think we all find ourselves on both sides of these sorts of exchanges from time to time- we're human!The goal is awareness, not perfection.


  1. Start by turning up your frequency- this is not woo woo, it’s quantum physics! Check out this TedX for practical tips.

  2. Clarify your dreams- what world do you want for yourself, your loved ones, your community, and all beings? Write it down as precisely as possible.

  3. Read those dreams each day, ideally, in the morning. Use all of your senses to see them as reality. HUGE bonus points if you incorporate meditation.

  4. Tend to your mind like a garden, nurturing the empowering thoughts, while weeding out those that don’t support your dreams. 

  5. Choose to use words and actions that align with your dreams. 

  6. When consuming media (TV, news, social media, music, etc) engage more with stuff that supports your dreams. Engage with that which doesn’t support your dreams as little as possible.

  7. Discuss this practice with loved ones, bosses, co-workers, etc. Consider suggesting a time in which you can come together to share and align the dreams that you each hold that affect one another. Now, when you do this, instead of playing energetic tug-of-war, you can work synergistically together.

  8. Eat & drink well. Get plenty of sleep. Exercise regularly.

  9. Spend time with others that are also planting seeds of intention for their dreams. If you can, join one of my events (I’ll be posting 1 or 2 more soon!) 

  10. Develop a soul nourishing ceremonial or ritualistic practice to help you move and/or release stuck energy, and call what you want into your life.

    If you’d like to receive my guides “Part 1: Creating Personal & Powerful Ceremonies & Rituals”, and “Part 2: Integration: Life After Your Ceremony or Ritual” sign up for my newsletter HERE.

  11. Invest in some shamanic healing work if you feel stuck or blocked from fully aligning with your dreams.  

As always, thanks for reading- it’s a long one today! I hope you find it helpful :)

With gratitude, 


Shamanic Practitioner at Be The Light Shamanic Healing

P.S. If we're not already connected on social media, let's connect! We have the power to create healing, light and goodness on these channels when we unite!

I’m currently active on Facebook, Instagram & Youtube