Spiritual Awakening: Losing Friends, Having No Friends, or Wondering "What's Wrong With Me?"

Yesterday I shared a weird story about how I met one of my dear friends. I shared it on my Facebook page HERE, and it got me thinking.. 

Finding “your people” as an adult can be really hard, can’t it?! And to make things even more challenging, once you’ve stepped onto the spiritual path, current relationships can often be flipped upside down.

Something I’ve noticed is that it’s extremely common to suddenly find yourself feeling like you no longer connect with those in your circle. You may feel like you’re hiding part of yourself, or you’re no longer interested in the topics or activities that had previously brought you together.

You may become super sensitive to the ways people talk about their lives, or the world around them.

All of this can be really confusing, because you know that they haven’t changed, or done anything wrong. They’re still the same people you’ve always known and loved, and they’d still have your back in a heartbeat..

Which is why it can be easy to internalize what's shifting. You may begin to wonder, “What’s wrong with me?”,  “Nobody gets me”, or “I don’t have anyone that I can totally be myself around”.

But here’s the thing- once you’ve stepped into you spiritual evolution- whether you chose it, or it chose you, YOU change, subtly and energetically, yet drastically.

Your energy is changing and your brain may not be able to track or keep up with it. This is why it’s so common to find yourself out of sync with those around you.


If you feel like you don’t connect with “your people” anymore, or you’ve felt friendless for a long time, please know- I’ve been there too. Many of us have. This is a completely normal part of the process when it comes to spiritual awakening / evolution / growth / whatever you want to call it.

AND.. it’s possible to be going through a spiritual awakening without even knowing it! That’s what happened to me when I was 19. I didn’t figure out that I was in the process until I was 29! It was a rocky 10 years, to say the least, but that’s another story for another day.

Having traversed this path personally, and supported many clients doing the same, I can tell you with certainty that:

  • This is a phase, perhaps even critical to your soul’s journey or Hero’s Journey.

  • It won’t last forever, but it does seem to last longer than it feels it “should”.. To the point that you’ll likely start to second guess yourself..

  • You may begin to question- “Is it me?” “What’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I find my people?” 

But keep the faith in yourself- you’re awesome!

  • Trust the process- your people are coming. 

  • Have faith in yourself: you are worthy, Divine, and you have something sacred and special to share with those you’re calling into your circle. 

  • Remember, they’re looking for you, too.

  • Take extra good care of yourself during this phase regarding rest, diet, exercise, lots of water, etc. 

  • Take this opportunity to dive deep into your own healing. 

  • Connect with Nature and your spirit guides/God/Goddess/Universe/Divine/Spirit/etc

  • Explore what intrigues you- follow the breadcrumbs

  • Find a teacher/healer/guide, and commit to your inner work

  • Remember that you are surrounded by love, because that’s what this Universe is- it’s one big energetic field of love. Let that permeate your cells. You are deserving, despite all imperfections and mistakes.

Embrace your transformation

You have entered the cocoon of your own metamorphosis. This quiet phase in the cocoon is nurturing and shaping you. 

While you may enter your cocoon again at some point, it’s a rare experience to be treasured. Some will never experience this gift in this lifetime. You can make the most of this time by embracing this gift with intention- by prioritizing yourself, your healing, your expansion, and your self discovery.