Creating Unity To Make The World A Better Place

I recently had the honor of sharing a couple of shamanic practices with the congregation at The McFarland United Church of Christ in McFarland, Wisconsin, with my dear friend, Lori Frison. Lori is a beautiful soul, a fellow practitioner of shamanism, and a phenomenal life coach! Here is a short clip from the service.

I think it is incredible that the pastor, Bryan Sirchio, values other religions and spiritual systems so deeply that he makes it a point to weave various beliefs and the people that practice them into his sermons around each equinox and solstice. He is a true artist in the way he brings a thoughtful and meaningful service to life. While the church does not record entire services (for member privacy), I assure you that the entire service was a beautiful experience.

This, to me, is love. This is unity. Thank you so, SO much Bryan for creating this space. This is truly inspiring.

And of course, he couldn’t do this without the support of the congregation. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to each member of McFarland United Church of Christ. Your open minds, open hearts and open embrace of all cultures, belief systems and PEOPLE is a beacon of light in a time that more unity and love is so, SO needed. Thank you for leading by example. Thank you for demonstrating inclusion and love.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.