Winter: Honor The Rhythm of Nature, Honor Yourself

With the holidays behind us, we enter a period of deep Winter. While this time can look and feel stagnant, it’s anything but.

Deep within, we are changing. Just as the forest drops its leaves, we shed what we do not need- our old beliefs, patterns, habits, thoughts.

Plant life, as we see it, has died back, but underneath Mother Earth’s skin, root systems are alive and well, dreaming of the ways in which they will express themselves come Spring.

All around us, Nature is mirroring back what we humans are designed to do, too; rest, let go, and move at a slower pace. This is our time to visit with our shadows, heal and nurture ourselves, and reflect on what new beauty we wish to reveal about ourselves this year.

My personal practice this Winter is largely centered on embracing and loving what is. My first wrinkle. The cold. The dark. This reality that I have consciously created for myself, which is a schedule filled with wonderful clients, events and education.

This means I’ve let go of a dream I had two years ago, which was to spend my 40th birthday on an extended vacation in a warm and sunny place. There’s simply no time to do it all really well, and I am deeply excited about all of my commitments..

So I’m reenvisioning how celebrating this milestone can look, and focusing on the feelings I wish to create rather than the outward experience. Things like peace, spaciousness, ease, effortlessness, and pure joy. We shall see how this takes shape.

How are you caring for yourself this winter? How are you honoring yourself, and this time of deep inner work? What feelings and emotions do you wish to cultivate this season, this year, or this next chapter of your life? What do you wish to shed? What do you wish to manifest or welcome in? What are your hopes, dreams, and visions as you grow into the next version of yourself?