What is Your Story of Transformation; Your "WHY"?

Stories are medicine. They are how our ancestors passed down critical information and wisdom for millennia. The stories we tell ourselves and those around us are equally important, because they shape our experiences, thoughts, beliefs and feelings about ourselves and the world around us. They can hold us back, or propel us into our greatness.

Today I’m going to talk about the power of your Story of Transformation. 

This post was inspired by some women in a group that I facilitate, The Fire Circle. The Fire Circle is a small group of spiritually aligned entrepreneurs, and we follow a structure in which we share our triumphs, challenges, and “asks” for the group. We support each other, brainstorm, cheer each other on, share our savvy business skills, wisdom, and connections to help each other grow and expand in our Heart’s Work. 

 “Heart’s Work” is what I call one’s vocation, passion project, volunteerism or activism when approached from the heart. It is not coming from a place of needing money, recognition or power. These are two completely different vibrational fields, and each one returns massively different results and experiences for you as well as your co-workers, employees, employers, fellow volunteers/activists, patients, clients, customers, friends, family, ect. Your Heart’s Work is your divine contribution to the world. It may be leading a Fortune 500 company, or it may be being a rockstar parent, partner or friend. 

So- back The Fire Circle- these women have walked through the metaphorical Fire, and they’re ready to begin formulating and sharing their empowered story; their Stories of Transformation. That’s not to say we aren’t ALL still walking through small fires of growth and initiation- as humans, we continue to walk through those fires until we leave this world; this is life. But these women are to the point where a lot of healing work has occurred, and they’ve got stories to share. Stories of empowerment, of tests, trials and tribulations, of proverbial gifts. Stories of courage and victory. 

These stories have been through the alchemical process of turning past experiences that once felt like lead, into gold. And this is a process- this is the Hero’s Journey. 

If you’re still in the “lead” phase of your story, congratulations on gaining this clarity! This acknowledgement is the first step to healing, releasing, and making gold. I will speak more about this phase another day, so if you’d like to receive that when I do, sign up for my newsletter HERE. Of course you can always reach out to me if you want to discuss how I might be able to help you, too.

Getting back to your Story of Transformation. This is the story of how you got HERE, to THIS exact place in your life. It is the fuel for WHY you do what you do. It is aligned with your purpose (aka soul purpose, soul work, dharma, life mission, soul mission, etc). It is at the heart of, well, your Heart’s Work!


By clarifying and sharing your story, you begin to call in “your people”, your soul family. This story is also going to serve as your north star when you cycle through those inevitable triggers, thoughts and emotions that we all feel from time to time- of self doubt, not being good enough/smart enough/etc. Of being “too big for our britches”. 

Your story is going to center and align you with your power, purpose and brilliance. It’s going to be your biggest fan and your personal cheerleader, reminding you of who you are, where you’ve been, and why you’re on this planet at this pivotal time in our Earth’s history. (Which, if you’re still reading this, I guarantee you’re here because you’ve got a BIG soul mission, and that is to serve in a POWERFUL way.)

Your story is also going to bring into your life the opportunities, connections, friends, loved ones, patients, clients and customers that align with your Heart’s Work. You will attract the right people with whom you share similar visions and passions for spreading goodness in the world.

Your story will help you gain even more clarity regarding your soul purpose and your Heart’s Work. It will help you hone your focus and eliminate what's not aligning with your greater vision for yourself. Because in order to be our very best, we've gotta focus our energy on things that REALLY matter. We’ve got to be selective in terms of how we apply our energy, and your story will help you with these things.

If you feel called to write your Story of Transformation, just start writing! Let the words flow. Your story won’t likely be your final masterpiece off the bat- it will evolve. You may find it to be like a winding path, where inner work and healing may need to occur along the way. Again, this is normal, and it’s to be embraced, so please don’t get discouraged!

And of course if you get stuck, find that you need more clarity, or realize that you need help along your healing journey, please don’t hesitate to reach out HERE


1) Anne Reeder Heck's story. If Anne’s story touches you in some way, read her book, A Fierce Belief In Miracles: My Journey from Rape to Healing and Wholeness. You will not want to put it down!

2) Robin Rivera's story. This woman leads with such courage, fearlessness and generosity.

3) Wim Hof’s story on losing his wife to suicide, raising his 4 children and finding his strength to heal the world.

4) ”Tony Robbin’s Life Story Will Make You CRY” (and it will!)