Spiritual Affirmation For Times of Transition, Transformation and Metamorphosis

transition, transformation, metamorphosis

Many of us are finding ourselves in one of these “in between” spaces right now, which is why I felt called to share some of my personal prayers, mantras, and affirmations that have come to me throughout my own experience of this rapid growth and change. I know this experience of moving through “what was” to “what is” can be incredibly challenging at times.

Perhaps you feel you’re in the throes of a soul evolution, spiritual alchemy, a Phoenix experience, an awakening, a hero’s journey, or a dark night of the soul.

Whatever your journey is, I think we can all agree that this stuff ain’t for the faint of heart!

But I believe that if we can trust and surrender to that great force of limitless Love- whatever you know that force to be (Spirit, the Divine, Universe, God, Goddess, Creator, Oneness, etc) that we will be held and supported as we make our journeys through this passageway.

I’ve posted similar videos last week on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, and will continue to do so for a bit, so please “like”, “follow”, “subscribe” and “share” if these may be helpful for you, or someone you know.

And remember:

  • You’ve got this

  • You are loved

  • You are stronger than you know

  • You are supported by unseen forces that want the VERY best for you, and they’re always more than happy to help- you’ve just gotta as for their support.

my affirmation

I am creating space in my life for the change that my spirit yearns for to occur, in a way that completely aligns with my highest and best good.

I open my heart and my energy to the new possibilities and opportunities that light me up with joy, excitement, peace, love, abundance, health, strength, and deep connection with myself, with Spirit, and with my soul family.

I give gratitude for what has been while I opening my body mind and spirit to what is to unfold. 

I choose to have faith and patience throughout this process, as I know that beautiful things take time to bloom.

I trust and surrender to this process, as I know that I am supported by the Divine.

As I wait for what is next to drop into my 3D reality, I take comfort in knowing that I am being held in this loving, nurturing place of pure potential, and I delight in what is to come as I ponder, “Who am I today?”

~Jessica Riphenburg, Be The Light Shamanic Healing