H.H. Bennett captured this feeling for me so beautifully in 1886 with his photo "The Jump". This is his son Ashley leaping over a gap to Stand Rock in Wisconsin Dells. Credit: Wisconsin Historical Society.
Are you finding yourself in a bit of a transition, transformation, or metamorphosis phase this Winter?
Winter has a way of tucking us under her wing of transformation, sometimes without us even knowing it. Regardless of whether you're aware of being in this phase, it can be a very uncomfortable in-between place at times- even if you've been actively calling in this transition.
It can feel like an emotional rollercoaster as we oscillate between excitement for new possibilities and self doubt. We may feel like we're in a funk, stuck, lacking clarity, or just BLAH.
I absolutely love this image. To me, it symbolizes having a foot in two worlds- a foot in my life as I've known it, and a foot in what could be if I took a leap of faith. It's a stew of excitement, exhilaration, and "OH MY GOSH WHAT AM I DOING?!"
While it can be tempting to “Netflix and chill” as we wait for Spring to arrive, I invite you to deepen into the spirit of this season by going within to notice what is shifting, evolving, and asking to be born. This is a great time for ceremony and ritual as you release, seek clarity, and align your energy with what lights your heart up.
If you’re not quite sure how to create ceremony or ritual for yourself, join my newsletter here to receive your free guide “Create Powerful Ceremonies & Rituals + Integration Support”.
And if you’d like to connect a bit deeper with shamanic teachings, I’ve created this “Shamanic Resource” section for you, which is an ever growing list with videos, books, podcasts and articles.
Our Free Spring Equinox Fire Ceremony is Around the Corner!
I hope you find peace, clarity, and strength in this last leg of Winter. Before you know it, we’ll be welcoming in Spring together at our free Spring Equinox Fire Ceremony: A Unifying Shamanic + Christian Ceremony on March 19, 2024 in McFarland, WI- details here.
As always, I’d love to hear from you! What’s brewing for you these days? Which resources from my list inspire you? Do you have any shamanic resources that you would like to share with us?