A Prayerful Mantra to Welcome Transformation and Support

Repeating a mantra or prayer like this daily will change your life. It will align you with you Highest Purpose.

This process of alignment is joyful and expansive. It will crack you open in ways you could have never dreamed of.

This path of greater alignment can also be one of sacrifice, as you ask Spirit to please help you shed what is ready to be released so that you may step more fully into alignment with your Calling…

And if you are like many of us, that can mean letting go of some of the things or people we cherish, and perhaps even love. It can mean saying goodbye to the known, or saying goodbye to what is comfortable.

But this prayer also asks for the support- the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical provisions you need to move through the transition with grace.

For me, opening up to Spirit in this way is like surfing. There are moments of calm to rest, times to paddle hard and work for the rush of the experience, then the big energy of riding the wave to that completion of calm Waters once more.

(The beauty, of course, is that land is always near and we can choose to get out to rest, ground, and nourish ourselves. Don't forget to take those opportunities, too, to simply BE. We don't always have to be deep in the transformational work.)

Wherever you are in your process, please remember that you have limitless love and support around you. Spirit, Divine, Goddess, God, Oneness, Creator, the Universe- whatever you know that limitless force of Love to be- has got your back.

So if you find yourself moving through transition, or you are deeply desiring transformation, this prayer is for you, if you like it.

AND… You’ve got this!

Prayer For Transformation and Support

Pure Divine Spirit, I ask you to please flow through me, to please cleanse and clear away everything within me that is not you.*

I ask you to please support me as I take the next best steps to more fully align with my highest purpose in this lifetime. 

Please give me the clarity, the faith, the trust, the vision, the support, and the resources so that even when I don't know what the path is before me, I can be supported as I take those leaps of faith and align more fully with my highest and best good in this lifetime.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you, with so much love and gratitude, thank you.

~Jessica Riphenburg, Be The Light Shamanic Healing

*This part was inspired by Zenja Glass, who I don’t follow too closely, but I love what I’ve seen her share. She is is Christian motivational mentor, but as you may have seen if you’ve poked around my website, while I am primarily rooted in shamanic languaging and ways of seeing things, I think most spiritual “systems” have goodness to share.

I agree with what has been said countless times in countless ways- that many paths lead to Spirit. We are often simply saying the same things in different ways.

I Invite You To Make This Prayer Your Own

I share prayers like this with clients when it seems applicable, and I always encourage them to re-write the prayer to “make it theirs”.

I always LOVE hearing how you guys re-work the prayer. If this prayer inspires you to write something similar (or different!) I would be honored to read what you come up with. Being in community with you in this way, sharing, inspiring each other- this is what lights my heart up.