Resources to Assist You as You Upgrade Your Energy

While I enjoy spending most of my time in silence, when I choose to listen to or watch something, it’s usually either music that fills my heart, or content from the following healers, teachers, and wisdom keepers.

Of course I 110% believe that if you want to make big leaps in terms of upgrading your energy and improving your life, it’s going to take more than listening, watching or reading other people’s work..

You’ve gotta also COMMIT to doing your own inner healing work. You’ve gotta COMMIT to going within. You have to make it a priority, and you have to find a cadence that you can sustain for a stretch of time, until life shifts, and you find your new rhythm.

That’s a whole other topic though, and not my point for this post, so I’ll save that for later :)


Here are a few of my favorite episodes/talks at this moment:

Shamans Cave: Taming the Flow of Negative and Challenging Thoughts (all episodes are also on Spotify.) I love what Sandra shares about the shamanic perspective on gut health and the gut microbiome! That’s something I’ve been pondering myself lately.

The Mel Robbins Podcast: Your Setbacks Are Setting You UP for Something Better: A must listen for anyone that’s ever felt like giving up and walking away from a passion project, dream, or vision.

These folks are dedicated to creating content that inspires, uplifts and heals

The Power of Positive Thinking” by Normal Vincent Peale. Ya know those YouTube ads for Mind Valley where he’s talking about Helene Hadsell’s wild success at winning a bazillion contests? Well I tracked down some original Helene audio files, and she attributes it to this book.

Londrelle- anything of his, really. His app, Eternal Sunshine is great- my favorite are his Inspirational Talks. His music is wonderful, as are the live Q&A’s, and mediations that he facilitates on Instagram.

Mel Robbins is really inspiring. She’s great at giving you a motivational, loving little kick in the pants when necessary! Find her on Spotify and Youtube.

Zenja Glass- she posts long and short form videos on YouTube and Instagram. I haven’t looked at her podcast much yet- it may be the same content. While I don’t consider myself a Christian, I find her very uplifting and inspiring.

Sandra Ingerman’s app “Healing Your Thoughts” is kind of a nice way to track your thoughts and boost your energy throughout the day.

The Shaman’s Cave podcast by Sandra Ingerman & Renee Baribeau, on YouTube, Spotify, etc.

Oprah, of course. If you search for “Inspirational Oprah Winfrey” on YouTube you’ll find lots of gems.

“The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne. While I wasn’t a big fan of “The Secret”, “The Magic” is great!

Hindzsight- I’m a casual Hindzsight follower, but my daughter really likes him. I think he really resonates with the Gen Z’ers.