Honoring the Sacred Masculine

This morning’s spiritual practice had me reflecting on all of the amazing men I have in my life.

The men that REALLY GET ME.

The men that believe in me, and my work.

The men that support me through their words and actions with no expectations, conditions, or strings attached.

I’ve never had much in terms of male support in my life, and more often then not, the support has felt conditional, transactional, or extractive.

But that’s changing. The story is changing. Healing is happening.

Thank you to all of the awesome guys in my life. Thank you to my awesome stepdad Andy, thank you Fred, thank you to the nice customer at the tire shop that helped me navigate what to do about my double flat tire situation the day before my big trip, thank you Martin, Luna, Mike, Zach, Steve, Jose, James, Bryan, Denny, Ryon.

And of course, thank you Joe, for being the one to articulate why you have continued to support and cheer me on over our 18 years of friendship. None of this that I am sharing would have “clicked” for me had it not been for your kind words.

Many many tears of gratitude for all you men shining your sacred masculine energy. Thank you for being beacons of light, support, encouragement and love for myself and all the other women out there that have been healing similar wounds.

For those that can relate to any part of what I’m sharing, I’d love to know in the comments:

  • Where are you in your healing process?

  • What has helped you heal?

  • Where have you gotten stuck?

  • What do you feel needs to happen for you to heal?

  • What do you want to release around these wounds?

  • How do you want to feel once the healing has occured?