What is the purpose of a shamanic fire ceremony?
The fire is a cleansing, transformational and powerful tool. When we work with intention, the fire helps us to change and shift our lives in the ways we desire. Fire ceremonies have remained a core practice amongst many traditional cultures for tens of thousands of years.
What is a full moon ritual for?
The full moon is about letting go of the things that no longer serve us- outdated thoughts, emotions, patterns, relationships, and perhaps even a career or job that no longer serves you. This can include internal and external shifts. The full moon is a powerful ally in helping us manifest change.
Format of the evening
You’ll have a chance to share what has brought you to this ceremony. Perhaps it’s an interest in full moon rituals, shamanism, connecting with like-minded individuals, etc. I will then explain the structure of the ceremony and provide guidance for setting an intention for the ceremony. You’ll have a few minutes of silence to form your intention and do some journaling if you wish.
We will begin the ceremony.
Once the ceremony is complete, we will take some time to journal and share our experiences (for those who feel comfortable doing so).
Towards the end of our time together, there will be time to mingle.
What will the ceremony be like?
This ceremony is a shamanic ceremony practiced by the Q’ero shamans of Peru, and has been handed down to me as part of my training in this lineage. We will connect with the power of the fire by singing a beautiful, yet simple chant. Remember that everyone is focused on doing their personal work, and no one is listening to you sing- so don’t be shy or deterred!
The ceremony is simple, and I will discreetly remind the group of the steps as we move through it. There is no need to worry about remembering a complicated sequence or “messing up”.
Please be mindful
I am offering these ceremonies free of charge through 2020. Space is very limited, so please do not RSVP if you are not fully committed to joining this event.
Please arrive on time, and plan to stay for the duration of the gathering.
Please do not consume alcohol or recreational drugs the day of the ceremony. It is advised, but not required to refrain from both for 24 hours prior to, and 24 hours after the ceremony.
A rattle if you have one, or a small container that can act as a rattle. This could be anything from a small glass jar of pebbles to a bottle of vitamins
A water bottle
Weather appropriate clothing
A camping chair if you like- otherwise, metal outdoor chairs will be provided
A pen and journal (or paper)
Item(s) that represent anything you wish to welcome into your life- OPTIONAL
A mask- just in case we need to get within close proximity (which shouldn’t be necessary for this ceremony, but it’s good to be prepared)
Covid Precautions
Space is limited to ensure proper social distancing.
A restroom will be made accessible, and will require you to use a set of stairs.
Once you RSVP, I will send you the event address & and the best number to reach me prior to the event. This event will be held near the Tip Top Tavern in Madison, Wisconsin.
Please RSVP to jessica.riphenburg@gmail.com. Space is limited.
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