Easy Full Moon Ritual For Release: Upgrade Your Energy

We are currently in the energy of the full moon, which means that the power of our thoughts, words and beliefs will be amplified.

This is a good time to check in with yourself- how is your self talk? Are you supporting yourself with loving and kind words, or do you criticize, judge, or talk down to yourself?

I'm gonna let you in on a little secret: if you've been doing your spiritual work (self healing or receiving healing from a healer, ceremonies, rituals, meditation, shamanic journeying, dance, song, etc) and you're not seeing the results you want, your thoughts, beliefs or words might be the reason.’

You must bring your brain and body along for the ride… AND., I know- it's hard! That's why I've compiled a list of resources that help me to mindfully choose the best thoughts and beliefs below.

Remember- your mind is like your garden

The beauty you cultivate in your garden will set the tone for everything else in life.

If you do an okay job at tending to your mind's garden, you'll have okay results in your endeavors to bring in the shifts you want via your healing and spiritual work.

If you take great care of your garden, you're going to have a LOT more success, quicker and easier when it comes to making the change you want.

If you've received healing work from me.. 

This is why your spirit guides ask you to weave specific mantras, affirmations or reminders into your days. Because IT WORKS. It is highly likely that if we've worked together, you've received your own personal mantras, affirmations or reminders. Look back through the integration notes I sent you or re-listen to the recording of your session and DO THE WORK :)

This is integration, y'all. You’ve gotta integrate the healing on the mind, body, soul and spirit level to get the most out of this work.


1) Anything of Londrelle’s! His app, Eternal Sunshine is great- I especially love his Inspirational Talks. His music is awesome, as are the guided mediations & Q&A’s that he leads on Instagram.

2) Zenja Glass- she posts short and long form videos on Instagram and Youtube and has a podcast. I love her short videos- they’re always super inspiring and uplifting.

3) Sandra Ingerman has an app called “Healing Your Thoughts” that I’ve used. You can set reminders to deliver uplifting words, phrases photos or blessings to yourself.

4) I find a lot of Mel Robbins’ stuff to be uplifting. She’s also great at giving you a motivational, loving little kick in the pants when you need it :D Again, she’s on Youtube, Spotify, and has a podcast.

5) Oprah, of course. I just search Youtube for “Inspirational Oprah Winfrey”.

6) “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne

7) “The Power of Positive Thinking” by Normal Vincent Peale

8) Hindzsight- I casually check his stuff out on Instagram- he’s great though. My daughter really likes him.

Please share your comments- how does this land for you? From the resources I’ve shared, which do you like best? Do you have any resources you love?