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lets work


All of my offerings (with the exception of fire ceremonies) can be facilitated in-person, over Zoom, or by phone.


one-on-one shamanic healing


There comes a time for each of us when we have the choice to either continue along the well traveled trails that have been blazed before us, OR we can take the leap of faith to follow OUR soul’s Purpose. The Transformation Series is for seekers of the latter. It is the purposeful crossing of a threshold into your full power, essence and potential. 

I Believe In Empowering My Clients With The Wisdom And Skills So That They Can Heal Themselves.

You can take your transformation throughout this series as deep as you want. If you want to learn how to heal yourself, and how to receive guidance, clarity and wisdom without needing someone like myself to act as the intermediary, I will teach you how to do this.

If you want to learn how to connect with your spirit guides, Higher Self, ancestors, your ancestral lineage, and the Divine, I’ll give you the tools so that you can do that.



I am not currently booking single sessions. You can join my newsletter here, then reply to the first message you receive and let me know you’d like the contact info for other healers I recommend.

You can apply to become a Transformation Series client here.

The next “Sacred Rhythms Ceremonial Immersion” cohort will begin in Winter of 2025. This is a hybrid of group and one-on-one work.


shamanic healing for groups


Harness the power of the fire to manifest & transform with intention. When we work with intention & focus, the fire helps us to manifest that which we wish to welcome into our lives & release what no longer serves us.

Your intention can be as simple as breaking a bad habit, or as deep as leaving an unfulfilling relationship. Whether you’re working on certain emotions, patterns, relationships, a job or even a career- the fire is our potent ally as we plant seeds of change.

In addition to the public fire ceremonies I offer here, I also facilitate private one-on-one & group fire ceremonies. This can be a great way to spend time with family or friends. 

Shamanic Journeying class

Access wisdom & clarity for your own healing, self development, inspiration & direction. Journeying is an excellent tool to use when you’re feeling stuck, unclear, unable to make a decision or too overwhelmed to chart a new path for yourself.

If you’re working with a shamanic practitioner (or you have in the past), journeying can deepen your connection with your spirit animals, helping spirits, and the wisdom revealed during healing sessions with your practitioner. You don’t need to work with a shamanic practitioner to benefit from journeying though, and anyone can learn how.

I teach one-on-one & group journeying, both in person & via Zoom. This can be a great way to spend time with family or friends. 

Check for upcoming classes here.