Crazywise Film Summit:

Breaking The Stigma & Re-envisioning Mental Health


our mission

We are committed to facilitating a supportive, educational, and inspiring event for professionals in healthcare, mental health, social work, clergy, law enforcement, energy healing and the general public to learn how to support our clients, patients and loved ones that are experiencing spiritual emergencies, bi-polar, psychosis or schizophrenia (AKA "Experiencers") in holistic ways that honor and heal the body, mind, spirit and soul.

Through unique learning opportunities, participants will learn how to expand their referral network and/or services to dramatically increase the efficacy of treatment, therefore setting Experiencers up for greater success.


Four Main Objectives

This event centers the documentary “Crazywise”. Visit the official website here.


To give experts in fields of mental health, medicine, and African shamanism an opportunity to share their real world experience in implementing holistic forms of treatment while providing educational opportunities.


To support professional attendees as they build referral networks with those in complementary fields while connecting them with in-depth, high quality training so that they can offer expanded services to their patients, clients and community.


To provide space for African shaman, Gogo Ehkaya Esima, to share a powerful healing experience via ceremony for attendees, as well as the general public. 


To offer hope, support, and resources to Experiencers and their loved ones.


Areas We Are Seeking Support

1) Sponsorship so that we can offer CEs to professionals in healthcare, mental health and social work.

2) Sponsorship to help with costs like space rental, event staffing, coordination, lunch and refreshments for attendees & presenters, as well as cover travel accommodations for our out of town speakers.

3) Connections with people and organizations that can share or promote the event to their networks.


Trainings for professionals

Here are five of many options for professionals in fields of healthcare, mental heath, social work, clergy to receive spiritually informed training while receiving CE credits.

1. Dr. Emma Bragdon, founder of Integrative Mental Health University has done a lot of really wonderful work around this topic, authoring 7 books, creating many trainings for professionals in fields of healthcare, mental health, social work and healing for which CE credits can be obtained.

Her short documentary, Spiritism: Bridging Spirituality And Health is wonderful, as are her short videos about Spiritist Therapies HERE.

Emma also supports those moving through spiritual emergencies and mental health crises.

Emma and I are in conversations about her speaking and teaching at this event, so if you reach out to her or sign up for one of her courses, it would be of great help if you could please tell her that I referred you to her work.

2. The Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA), founded by Dr. David Lukoff, offers mental health professionals courses that provide the skills and knowledge to become more spiritually competent, along with CE credits- see courses here.

Again, please let SCA know I sent you their way if you reach out, as I’m also in communications with them.

3. Institute for the Development of Human Arts is a group of mental health workers, clinicians, psychiatrists, current and prior users of mental health services, advocates, artists, and survivors of trauma and adversity..” that believes “change happens through dynamic collaboration between clinicians in the field and advocates on the front lines dedicated to shifting policy and practice while building and uplifting safe alternatives.”

IDHA offers training with CEs various professionals.

4. ACISTE offers training to professionals, as well as support for SE experiencers.

5. Integrative Psychiatry Institute offers training eligible for CE credits as well.


Other professionals & experts covering this topic

  • Bipolar Awakenings, Sean Blackwell- he’s got a lot of interesting videos- it’s hard to recommend just one, but his interview with Dr. Katrina Michelle, “The Spiritual Emergence & Research of Dr. Katrina Michelle” is a great one. Katrina and I have connected and she’s working on some great projects. The online representations of her projects are still coming together, but it’s great stuff. Her website is here. If you contact her, please let her know I referred you.

  • Will Hall MA, DiplPW appears to be involved in a lot of great work. He was in Crazywise as well.

  • Gogo Ehkaya Esima, from Crazywise, is now practicing African Shamanism. She supports those moving through spiiritual emergencies and mental health crises, and sh’ll be coming for the event. Please let her know I referred you to her if you reach out.

And so many more! I’ve got a good list going, so if you’re seeking information or connections, please let me know. Alternatively if you come across anyone great in your own research, I’d love to know about them.


Similar events

Several official “Crazywise approved” screenings, discussions and lectures have been listed HERE over the years, but oftentimes, once the events have passed, the links are no longer live and searchable. Here are some similar events:

1. Annual Crazywise Conference, 7 years and counting (you may need to refresh your page to get the option to translate to English to pop up)

2. Will Hall, MA, DiplPW has been involved in Crazywise events, and has been part of numerous events on this topic

3. Crazywise Conference in Nederland

4. Crazywise screening & conversation, hosted by NAMI in WA


Thank you..

for taking the time to learn about this event. If you or someone you know may be interested in getting involved, please reach out to me at